Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is this the face of a computer hacker?


may through july2010 240

This is the sweet not so innocent “Sammi” my 4month old very expensive computer destroyer! I’m on my brand new computer tonight thanks to this little darling! You see she mistook my computers cord for her chew toy. Not a big deal you say, well it should have only been a $50 cord, but apparently the new cord I bought at best buy was too strong for my hp ( even though it said it was compatible with my model) long story short the powerful cord blew my mother board! So three weeks later I’m starting from scratch. I’m not even sure how this post is going to look, because I’m using this brand new program from my picture file to post to my blog it sounds pretty spiffy, I hope it works!


  1. Welcome back, Amy! How can you get mad at such a sweet face as this?

    Hope you are taking some time to enjoy summer.


  2. I knew that dog was trouble the minute I saw her.

    Your blog looks great. Glad your back in social media land. OX

  3. I can relate to your puppy girl lola had 4 pups and they found my charger cords and were having a hey day with them. Needless to say I had to go out and purchase new charger cords cause they just didn't work the same!
    Happy Friday

  4. puppy is cute but maybe her teeth need to go.

  5. Oh she is so cute, she'll grow out of it. Famous last words.

  6. Almost every day around here, I'm thinking or saying aloud, "It's a good thing you're so cute, because you sure can be a lot of trouble!", or "That doesn't look like a very good idea!", when I catch one of them in the act!

  7. I am sure if that sweet little face pup knew he was causing you harm he wouldn't have done it. I have 2 15 month old Lab/Shepard pups and they are definately partners in all sorts of crime and I could post about it every day for a year and not run out of things to write about their destruction...but I love them any way and I am sure they love me :)

  8. Love your blog and I am now a follower and I have you in my blog roll..come and visit me when you can :)

  9. . . . what a sweet little face! Miss your sweet face 2. D.


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