Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben April 7th

Happy 21st Birthday Benjamin
Here we go again, I told you it's birthday after birthday this time of year for us! But don't you think he's soo cute?(oops, I mean cool.) I just had to share his picture with all of you.

April 7th 1988 my first born arrived. Unlike the day my daughter Molly came along this day was sereal, did I really just have a baby? The first is so full of suprises you don't really have a clue what your getting into. I don't care how many books you read or classes you go to nothing prepares you for the reality of bringing home a baby, especially when your only 22 years old! My baby is now 21 years old. How can it be? where did 21 years go? I'm not that old! Poor Ben was definately our guneau pig, it was pure trial and error. I think my boy forgives us, I know he sure loves us and he has turned out to be a wonderful loving, kind and handsome youngman so we must have done a few things right.


  1. You did plenty right! Nice looking young man. Whoo hoo 21! Big party? I have one that will be 21 this year too. Time flies!
    Funky Junk Sister #2

  2. It does fly by in a flash doesn't it! I still remember having the chicken pox the month I got pregnant with my daughter after trying to get pregnant for most of 8 years. I was SOooooo surprised to see the little line on the test. Now she is 16 and will be taking her drivers permit test tomorrow.....Sigh. You have a cutie (Yes, us mom's can say CUTIE!) Glad you are so close.

  3. Hi Amy,
    This is my first visit to your blog. You have a very handsome son. My son was also born in 1988, I ask myself all the time where the time went!! Your home is adorable. Congratulations for being in a magazine. That is so exciting.


  4. Hey Amy, I'm so glad you stopped by. My home was featured on www.theoldpaintedcottage.com as March 2009 cottage of the month if you would like to see it. However, I have made some changes since then!! Thanks so much for stopping by.


  5. I just happened upon your blog via another's and had to comment.

    Your posting made me smile. I too have a Benjamin. Although he is only 2, I'm already having moments of panic that he is growing up too fast!

    Happy 21st birthday to your handsome son!

    Blessings to you from Kansas,


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment. I read and appreciate each and everyone of them!I try and visit everyones blog that comments and enjoy finding you!