Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thanks everyone for your blogging tips. I feel smart again!

Please help! Just when I think I have this blogging thing down to a T something weird like this happens to me! Doe's anyone know why my sentences in my post are being underlined and how I get rid of the underlines?


  1. Highlight everything and hit the underline button up top of the post or Ctrl I? Don't know why it's there, somehow became standard.....

    Hope that works!! If not, then I just don't know!!

    Good Luck!!

  2. Oh, I found it!!! It's linked to your photo!!! When you click on the underlined, it opens a new window showing your photo! Just highlight it and click the thingy up top that looks like a broken chain link!!

  3. Yep - it's showing up as a link. Glad Cindy could help.

    Enjoy your day,

  4. Amy, another thing is if you are loading your pics first then typing your text this too could cause it to be underlined since the system thinks you are linking the photo to the text.

  5. All this is good knowledge!!...Warning "blogger formatting cause cause craziness" ha ha
    My Best

  6. I am glad you got the underlining figured out, I have had that happen and still don't know why, it usually happens when I go back to do some editing. I am hoping to come to Funky Junk Sisters Sale, I live south in Vancouver, Washington so I would be making the drive. The sale sounds absolutely great.

  7. That line thing. grrr, glad it is not just me, but mine only seems to happen above the first pic. Drives me crazy. I bet, even with the good advice, I won't be able to fix it. Have a great day :) Jules

  8. I think I've learned more since blogging than I did in college, but it still outsmarts me all the time! Glad we can help each other when things get frustrating!

    God bless,

  9. It only starting doing this to me recently and I found if you hit "enter" after your picture to leave a space between the picture and the text it sometimes helps.

    But what works best for me is to do all my text first, then upload all my pictures. To get the pictures where I want them, I then "cut" and "paste" them in between the areas of text I desire.

    Of course this isn't a real user friendly program at all and once in a while you just have to take a few deep breaths, and try again!


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