Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why do we love this old stuff so much?

Today as I was outside with the power washer. I thought to myself why do we love this old stuff so much? As I was spraying down an old set of filthy gym lockers and a french door covered in dirt and grime. As I am spraying I'm discovering first a layer of celery green, then a beautiful robins egg blue and I stopped as I left just enough shabby white paint. I was so giddy with the discovery of so many lovely colors, and I just said to myself "this is so fabulous" ,but why Is it?
Why do we love this old junk so much? Do we want to go back to simpler times? Is it the old soul in us or the pure beauty of the patina of an item? Is it because it is made of real wood or metal, not plastic or particle board? Is it the many years it has been weathered or waxed, painted over and over, lovingly passed down through the family?
I think for me it is all of that, but I believe the biggest reason for me is the thrill of rescuing the item from the side of the street, a cold damp garage or a favorite store where it is just beckoning a new home. I'm still not sure why I prefer the old shabby paint or rusty metal, maybe, because it is a one of a kind item and nobody else has the exact same thing?
Whatever the reason, it has given us all who love this stuff from the wealthy collector to the poor college student a common bond that put's all the lovers of junk on the same level! I think that may be the greatest reason of all!
Let me know what you think.


  1. Amy.... GOOD QUESTION.~~ !!
    I am now nearly 72 years old..and have been a "collector" for almost 60 of those years...( truly) and I can't remember when I did not love them.
    ~~Have always LOVED old "stuff", most especially "gingerbread" Victorian/Shabby Chic- Antiques..and I prefer.. the WHITE stuff.~~
    Not sure there is any ONE answer to this question.... as I have asked myself this question about every other DAY since I was 10 or 11 years old. ~~God gave me this deep seeded desire for these things for some reason, but have NO IDEA on this earth why. ~~ Mabye it is the "olde soul" in us, maybe it is because when we were growing up we did not have "enough"..or a lot of things, love, security, and beautiful my case this may well be true. ~~
    However, I DO know that NO one in my family is going hungry..or "doing without"...(and never will as long as I am alive )..due to the fact that I collect these lovely I do not feel the least bit of guilt.
    ( ie:-) ~~I tithe to my church and give to the poor.
    So life is good.


  2. I agree with all that you've said, but for I so would love to go back to a more simplier life. Great post and loved the peely paint on the door too!

  3. I think you touched on it. Simpler times. I luv the door. Hugs, Connie

  4. Oh, yes, I agree with everything you said. Beautiful post!

    For me, these things bend time backwards, somehow connecting me with the loved ones I spent so much time with as a child. My Great Grandmother and Grandparents - in a cottage playing board games, using pink and green Depression glass dishes and snuggling in under quilts made with love.

    Love your blog & love following along!


  5. my 13 year old son just asked me the same thing..."Mom, why do you like all this old broken down stuff?". I had to stop and think about it...and I said, "it has history, and I love that it tells that story". Thanks for your post as I have often wondered what makes these things so special to some and trash to others. blessings, jules

  6. I totally understand! Every piece has story and a history and deserves to live on! Yay to us for salvaging what others may call junk and giving it new life :0) See ya at the show! Blessings, Katy that door.

  7. Quite. I think I'm drawn to all this old stuff because it's unique, and has it's own life, it's own story to tell. Perhaps someone else's love can radiate through an inanimate object, although I have trouble believing all these pieces were loved. In any case, cheers to the ties that bind us, Amy.

  8. Old things connect us to simpler times, to our history, and provide an sense of comfort. We are not alone ... we are a continuation.

  9. I think we do want to go back to the simpler times, when we discover the underlying things of that object that we have found, the history that must be there is priceless. I have seen that many times in old worn out quilts, if only they could talk. I hope to get up to the sale on Saturday. Florence

  10. What do I think? I think you are an amazing person. I love how much you care and how serious you are about finding out the answer to that question. You see, I believe, that there is a good reason for everything - and - your reason and my reason are important. Once you find that reason, you are closer to knowing and liking the person you are.



  11. What a great post! You answered that question perfectly! For me, I enjoy the rescuing and recycling and watching other peoples faces when thay see " junk" transformed and want to buy it for their house! What a joy! To be able to take a curbside cast-off and have someone give it a place of honor!
    Totally cool everytime!

  12. I'm not sure either...maybe it's the *character* that comes from the hard knocks of life...I dunno tho...I just do.
    Have a great show! Wish I could make it...just a little too far away.

  13. Amy
    Perfectly said! BTW I love love the chippy blue, greem white door...It's the best!

  14. I think it goes back to "Simplify". I have a cute wooden sign in my kitchen that reminds me everyday.

  15. I think it's really amazing that people all over are junking and we get to share our love for "junk" with everyone through blogging!!
    I've been in love with old things for a long time and don't ever want to stop.

    Have a great day!!!


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