Friday, January 8, 2010

Just a random post

Too tired to to write much just posting some family pictures over the holidays.
My Molly girl, I don't think I was ever this skinny!(oops the bottle of smirnoff in the background is mine not Molly's) mmm. passion fruit with cranberry and a little shot of pineapple top it off with some sugar free redbull just a smidge! yum yum!
This was a fabulous silver tinsel tree (prelit) that I wanted so bad but my house doesnt have 9ft ceilings!
Can you guess what this is?
Big Willie and the wiener mobile! This is the coolest wiener ever!
Heres my babys almost grown up Mol's almost 16, and Ben is almost 22, they are so cute! We had so much fun over Christmas break hanging out together! I really cherish the time we have together. More now I think then when they were little. I guess ,because they don't have to hang out with me, but when they choose to it makes me feel pretty lucky, cause I know when I was young I couldn't wait to get out of the house and away from my parents!


  1. Hi Amy,

    Ummm..ya you are skinny too girl!! I say that because this is the year of healthy eating for me and I want to look like you when I grow up...LOL! Your children are beautiful. I am laughing at the weiner mobile because when I was growing up, we had neighbors and he worked for Oscar Meyer and once in awhile the weiner mobile would show up on his driveway and of course as a kid, I was fascinated!!
    Have a great weekend.


  2. What beautiful "children" you have! And I never seen a silver tinsel tree that big....TOO bad it wouldn't's amazing! Happy New Year from Houston!

  3. She is so pretty!
    I have seen the weiner mobile here where I live too, way bigger in real life!!
    Hope you can see the movie soon, its the funniest!

  4. What a great family you have. Your children are beautiful. Florence

  5. Your kids are gorgeous, just like their mom. I can't think of anything better that I'd rather do than spend time with my boys. Hope you having a great Sunday.

  6. i love random posts!! your family is adorable...i wanted to name my daughter molly soooo bad, but it was my hubby's turn to "name that child", so we settled for zoey. i love the name molly though.
    i wasn't that thin when i was
    happy holidays.

  7. Nice pics. I had my picture taken with a weiner mobile that looked exactly like that at a food show in the Smoky Mountains! Did that weiner mobile make it to the Smoky's??? I actually sang the "song" in the microphone!! I really didn't think the microphone was on, my husband walked up and said "what are you doing?". I told him it wasn't on and he said "oh yes it is!" Oops!

  8. I can't believe you saw the wiener mobile! that's too cool!
    Great to see you this weekend, I missed you!
    xoxo, Tiffany


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