Tuesday, February 2, 2010

White Wednesday white Cupboard love

I love old white cupboards! These are some Fabulous pieces we have had in the shop.
This is absolutely one of my all time favorite pieces! Old tin top counter, with a bin drawer even!

This two piece cutie is in Wendys living room.
These were the coolest old white metal lockers with little tin drawers inside. They didn't last long at the shop!

This is an old english linen press I bought at auction about twelve years ago, I think it has been in every room in my house. presently holds my t.v.


  1. I bought a lovely white vintage flower pin today!! Thank you. Bragged about you guys on my blog too. Love ya!

  2. These are all fabulous, but the second photos has to be my favorite. So cool! How did you let that one go?

    Remember to sign into the MckLinky list on my blog so everyone can check out your post.

    Enjoy your week.


  3. Love all the white cupboards What is it about them that are just so irresistible? I could have one in every room, oh, well, maybe I do! You have a wonderful store!

  4. Amy, these cabinets are just fabulous! Love them.

  5. Ohh, I have a thing for cabinets too...I, too, think I have one in every room! How do you let them go?
    Love 'em!

  6. Love them all, but the second shabby drawers is my fave.


    barbara jean

  7. Can't pick my favorite, love them all!

  8. Ohmigosh Amy, your blog is beautiful! How have I not found you before? Thanks for stopping by Sassafras Stuff and leaving a comment! The white cupboard I pictured is $275. It's a beauty!

    I'm with you....my favorite cupboard you've pictures is the tin top with all the drawers!! LOVE IT!!

    I've signed on to follow you and will definitely add you to my side bar!


  9. I see we share the same taste ;) Have you ever considere participating in our "Show Off Your Cottage Monday"... come see!


  10. They are gorgeous ~ everyone should have at least one white cupboard. Thanks again ~
    Dee xoxo

  11. I defenitely a cupboard for my new home!

    unfortunately it's not so easy to find it!

    Have a great week!


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment. I read and appreciate each and everyone of them!I try and visit everyones blog that comments and enjoy finding you!