Wednesday, March 17, 2010

White wednesday a little white bedroom

First of all i hope Kathleen from Faded Charm is having a great time on her trip to California. I can't believe she is keeping the White Wednesday up and going during her week away.

Well remember this room? My dining room/ office. Well we've been doing a fair bit of remodeling again. We are converting the back half of the house into an apartment for my sister. So gone with the dining/office put up a new wall, paint , pack, Oh my I really had no idea I was such a pack rat! EEk big wake-up call!

This is the new bedroom for my sis. I love it so bare and simple all white and fresh paint. I told her she can sleep here , but she can't bring anything but her clothes!:) Ha she's a pack rat too so that will never happen.
She liked the old mantle in the other "spare" room that is now going to be my nephews room so we moved it here for her headboard. No bedding , curtains or blinds yet, but I will show some more pics when we put the final touches on.
This will be her little comfy living room, no more dining area, I guess she's going to have to get some t.v. trays! Someday I will explain all about the compound and show some pics of the other outbuildings occupied by other members of the family. It's a long story, but you see my husband has a thing about remodeling, sheds ,greenhouses, chicken coops and turning them into cozy little rentals.


  1. You are a great sister, she is blessed. Florence

  2. You did such a pretty job, I'd move in if you'd let me but I'm afraid the uhaul I'd bring, well you get the picture! All my stuff/junk wouldn't fit, I'm the queen of hoarding/pack ratting, etc. Can't wait to see more, T

  3. Oh Amy it is such a quaint little space. But know where is your dining room going to be? I think we need more pictures:)Your sister is so blessed to have someone like you in her life.


  4. What a lucky sister! The room looks very serene. I don't even have a shed, much less achicken coop, but I've seen all sorts of cool conversions from them.

  5. The room looks great already, even without the final touches. Love the mantle headboard, great idea! I'm sure your sister will be very happy in her new white bedroom.

  6. cant wait to see you next week!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  7. I love the simplicity of the guest bedroom you put together. It is very inspiring!

  8. Hi Amy, Happy Spring! Your blog is looking so fabulous, thanks for sharing and being so inspiring! We'll see you at the Farm Chicks this year!



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