Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh what a Fabulous weekend in Monroe!

Ruffles and RustFriday night was the Bloggers ball this is Our vintage prom girl with her 1927 sash

This is my sister Mae, she was so much fun and sooo much help when we were slammed in our booth with the mad rush of shoppers friday night.
Kris (left) the "mad" hatter, Celia (middle) our super sweet neighbor that came all the way from Spokane with her mom Gladys they own Junebugs and have a wonderful show of their own in the fall, and me:)

These two beauty's were real head turners and the doll in the red dress won "best Dressed)

These ladies are the proud new owners of the vintage sofa

Lots of empty hangers! The slips and crinolines were a big seller.

I really didn't get very many good pictures of our booth, brought the camera, but fogot the camera card! This is a shot after it was pretty picked over all the fabulous french chairs sold, the lockers, the sofa, vanity's , benches and LOTS of smalls! We had to put up folding tables to hold items after our furniture sold!

I love this rack, we jus got it and it was only one of a few pieces that didn't sell so I was kind of glad we will be able to take it to the shop.

Mindy and Kris

Here's the fabulous black and white floor on concrete, worn to perfection!


The Ruffles and Rust show was Amazing! What a Fabulous venue! Two old white barns with open beamed ceilings wood walls a fabulous black and white painted rustic floor in one of the buildings, was just the perfect touch for this Rustic, but elegant show.


  1. everything looks fabulous! What a great venue and fun looking event! Bummed I couldn't have made it...hopefully there will be a next time! :0)

    Blessings, Katy

    PS Love your fun little vintage slip dress!

  2. So great to hang out with you again...not much time to chat! Oh, well...So glad you did so well...a great time was had by all...


  3. Looks like you all had so much fun! Florence

  4. It was a fun show and your booth looked inspire me!
    Some day soon I'll make it to Sumner to see your store.

  5. Looks like ya'aa had a blast. Those skirts are too darn cute, love them! Janna

  6. Wow - that show looks like so much fun, you booth was amazing and y'all look like the "best dressed" girl in school. :)

  7. Amy, I wish I could have made it to this one....T.C.S. booth is always great! And I think your trailer's interior is my favorite of all I saw in the lot at the last Funky Junk Sisters' sale!!


  8. You girls just rock it! One of my favorite booths at the show was yours. It was great to see you again, hope you make it down sometime for one of our shows!


  9. Looks like a great time to me! How much fun was that!? The outfits were tops, not to mention your wonderful booth! Awesome that you sold so much! thanks for sharing, carrell

  10. So glad to have come to you via Chippy Shabby's blog. THAT show looked like SO much fun. Glad to now be a follower...

  11. Such fun!! The photo of you and your sissy is beautiful!!1

  12. Hi Amy!
    It was so much fun having you and Kris for neighbors! It was such a fun show and we were so happy to be apart of Ruffles & Rust. We look forward to coming to Sumner and seeing both of you again.
    Thanks for including us in your post.

    XO Glad & Celia/Junebug

  13. I love seeing other antique dealer's displays, and your pictures are wonderful! Glad to see such an enthusiastic crowd, and to hear they were in buying mode....

  14. It DOES look amazing! Bet it was fun!


  15. That looked like so much fun!! I like the pic of the two 'trendy' ladies with their new sofa!

    Have a lovely weekend


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