I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a weekend with some of the most talented,inspiring and funny women ever! Let me start with the Queen of Dreams herself Miss Tiffany. She really is The Fancy FarmGirl! Her house was so beautiful,
Saturday was the soldering day so we had to get down to business, because we had some great projects to make thanks to Miss Terri Brush the super talented soldering queen! And not to be left out lil' Miss Donna her right hand girl so helpful and sweet.
Tiffany gave us all a set of her beautiful rose photo stationary
I forgot my camera Friday night and didn't get very many good pictures with my $99 cannon sureshot so I would suggest you go to the pros for some better pics Kimberely (mimi charmante) Robin (Birdtweets), Isabel (Mason Douce) And I know many of the other dream girls will be posting what photos they can.
I wanted to use the 1/2 symbol, because Tiffany gave it to me. At the time I didn't know what it meant , but just as I'm posting this pic I realize the significance. I am one who try's to look at the glass "half" full and I know Tiffany does too. This sweet little charm will always remind me now of the girl I met a few years back. The one with the infectious laugh and the giving heart, the one who kept on kris and I to make a blog, we didn't, until she was kind enough to finally do it for us, and well now the rest is history...
Holy crap I think this is the longest post I have ever done!